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On 26 October 2023, the students of Christ College Vizhinjam reached Ayurveda hospital, Muttakkad Venganoor panchayath. Dr. Seena and Dr. Arun from the hospital showed them many medicinal plants and explained to them about its scientific name and its uses as medicines. The students got an opportunity to familiarize with some medicinal plants that they had never seen before.

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Spell Bee

“A word after a word after a word is power.” – Margaret Atwood The English Literary Association, Department of English has organized an interdepartmental spell bee competition on 19th November 2024. The competition had two sessions – Prelims and Mains, each with multiple rounds with an aim of providing a platform for students to develop

U& Q interaction Session

”Ignite what is believed to be extinguished, confront what many refuse to acknowledge, all through the power of wisdom and education”. Discussions are always held in high regards rather than arguments for the latter finds who is right, while the first establishes what is right. The U&Q interaction session voiced these phrases and proved the