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The alumni of Christ College vizhinjam namely CHRISA was organized a significant intervention on 06/10/2023 Friday at 12:00 pm in the campus. The event aimed to strengthen the sports infrastructure at the college and foster a culture of physical fitness and sportsmanship among the students.The participants are Members of the Alumni Association College ,Principal ,Physical Education Department and Staff.The highlight of the event was the formal handover of a cricket kit to the Physical Education Department by the principal of college Dr Joseph K A .The kit, which includes high-quality cricket equipment, was generously donated by the alumni community. This contribution will undoubtedly enhance the college’s cricket program and encourage student participation in the sport. The Principal,Dr Joseph K A, extended his heartfelt gratitude to the alumni for their invaluable support. He emphasized the importance of such interventions in nurturing holistic development among the students. He also highlighted the significance of sports in building character and instilling discipline. The donation of the cricket kit significantly bolsters the resources available to the Physical Education Department, enabling them to provide better training and opportunities for students interested in cricket.

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The English Literary Association (Dep. English) as part of the Reading Day organized a book review challenge for MA English Language and Literature students. The reading challenge platform was a doorway for the students to explore the depth and to unfold the mystery that the writer has secretly kept inside his work of art. Haruki