The concept of alumni association evolved for needs from both the ends, i.e academicians andprofessionals,in the aim of building a bridge between college life and career life,so that the freshergraduates are made proactive to face the current challenges of competitive professional world.The ideatook shape and formation of Alumni Association turned into reality.The Alumni Association of…

Orientation Programme On Psychology.

Orientation Programme On Psychology.

Providing knowledge and learning about learning itself could be termed as the peculiarity of this branch of science. Therefore, the programme did not limit its content to just career guidance, but also the exploration of Human mind functioning and Subject based interaction topics. With the humble presence of our mentor and resource person, Dr Pramod…

Psychology Club Inauguration  and Calendar Release
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Psychology Club Inauguration  and Calendar Release

30th of November, 2022 would indeed go down as an auspicious experience for the budding Psychologists of Christ College, Vizhinjam. Students belonging to the first batch of Psychology had the honor to join in for the inauguration of our Psychology Club, Eunoia.Blessed by the beloved presence of Chief Guest Dr. Pramod S.K, Asst. Professor from Department…

Awareness class about Communicable Diseases And Hygiene

Awareness class about Communicable Diseases And Hygiene

On the 18th of November, 2022, an awareness class was commenced at Christ College Vizhinjam in association with world toilet day. Held at the venue of Principal’s Office, the class began at sharp 12:30 pm in the honorable presence of Dr. Joseph K.A, Principal of Christ College Vizhinjam along with other respected guests and co-ordinators….