christ College

Vizhinjam, Thiruvananthapuram

A CMI Educational Institution (Managed by Christ Nagar Educational Charitable Society. Affiliated to the University of Kerala)

Please deposit Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) and keep the bank transaction number ready before filing up the application form.
Account Name: Christ College | Account Number: 10220100256900 | Bank:Federal Bank | Branch: Vizhinjam | IFSC: FDRL0001022


    Application fee transaction ID/Number

    Name of applicant

    Photograph of applicant (JPEG or PNG format/ max.file size 100Kb only)

    Address of applicant

    Contact Number

    Alternate Number

    Date of birth

    Place of birth


    Taluk & District

    Nationality & Mother Tongue

    Community to which the applicant belongsSCSTOBCOTHERS



    If Catholic, state whether
    Syro MalabarLatinMalankara
    Whether child to Ex-service man or JawanYesNo

    a)If member of N.C.C.YesNo
    (b)Whether certificate holder of N.S.S. YesNo
    (if eligible for weightage attach copy of certificate)

    If sports person. of which level ((attach copy of Certificate)NationalStateDistrictNone

    If differently abled, state whether (attach copy of Medical Certificate)BlindDeafOrthopaedicBrain diseasesNone

    Name of qualifying Examination passed

    Subject selected for Degree ArtsScienceCommerce

    Number of times appeared for qualifying examination

    Summary of Marks in the qualifying Examination (Attach copy of Marklist)

    Course Opted
    MA English Language & Literature

    Name of the qualifying examination

    Register No. and Year

    Percentage of Marks

    Reason(s) for break of study, if any

    Proficiency in extra-curricular activities with details

    If any of the parents of the applicant was a student of Christ Nagar, give details,including present address

    Does the applicant receive any military or other concession or scholarship- Specify

    Do you need College Bus facility ?YESNO

    If “YES”, name the Boarding Point

    Name and address of Parent / Guardian

    Occupation and annual income of Parent / Guardian

    Relationship with the applicant

    Telephone No. with code

    Mobile No. to be registered for SMS